
Showing posts from April, 2023
  WEEK 4 ( Liming, Lining and Seed Germination) In the fourth week, we have done several task namely liming, lining and seed germination LI MING PROCESS After finishing clearing the land and plowing process we have to continue doing the liming process. For additional information, Liming is a process used for parchment or leather processing, in which hides are soaked in an alkali solution. This process can soften the soil for cultivation LINING PROCESS After liming process we must do lining process. This process is very important to ensure that the plot is measured with the proper area. This process too dividing the area for crop boundary, drains and main roads. We use a measuring tape to carry out the correct measurement process. We also have to make sketches for limit and widths for each class. SEED GERMINATION In this project, we have 4 seeds which are supplied by P.E. One of them is long been seeds, pak choi seeds, lettuce seeds and cucumber seeds Long been seeds Pak choi seeds Cucu
  INTRODUCTION Name: MUHAMMAD NAIM NAZMI BIN MOHD SUPIAN Group: M3AT1101D Lecturer: Ts. Muhammad Zahid bin mohd Week 1 - week 3 • WEEK 1 In the first week, we attend an online class for new students who have just registered at FPA and there we have to introduce ourselves for the first week. In addition, the lecture explained the rules and preparations about FPA before entering the plantation. • WEEK 2 In the second week, we gathered at the agro store for the FPA meeting. Besides that, we also got to know the P.E before the plantation activities started and told interesting stories about the faculty of plantation and agrotechnology, we also took pictures with the P.E to keep the memories • WEEK 3  In the third week, we have to do clearing land to clean the area that has long to short grass. In addition to that, we learned how to hoe the soil and cut the grass for the basics of planting. We also need to measure the land for class division. • CHALLENGES One of the challenges we face is fa