Hello everyone, welcome to my blog! My name is Muhammad Naim Nazmi Bin Mohd Supian. I am a student who currently study at UiTM Pahang, Campus Jengka. I am studying in Pre-Diploma in faculty of PLANTATION AND AGROTECHNOLOGY (AT001). I am from Selangor. I was born on 21th of March from year 2004 at Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Klang, Selangor.
So here one of the purpose i’m doing this portfolio is to introduce to students about UED 102 or well know with soft skills. UED 102 provides students with learning skills essential for varsity life. There was 6 modules that we learnt.

What Is UED 102?

UED102 or also known as Study Skills is one of the elective subject that is compulsory for all semester 1 students. Though it's not a core subject , it's an important subject for every students so that they can adapt with university life and learning skill. For instance , effective time management , setting goals , learning styles , learning strategies and processing information from lectures and text. This subject will help students to overcome academic stress and make them more prepared as tertiary level students.

  1. Getting ready to learn
  2. Goal setting & learning management system
  3. Time management & Organizational skills
  4. Memory , Learning & Improving Concentration
  5. Taking lecture notes
  6. Academic integrity and performance

 TOPIC 1 : Getting Ready To Learn

  • Making The transition (from school to university)

If your strategy for dealing with major change has worked in the past, then continue to go with it. If not, examine why it’s not working in this situation. This could include reflecting on the way you study, deal with making new friends or cope with being in new environments.

While you can rely on tried and tested plans of action, this might be a good time to explore other options that might help you manage your current circumstances better. Talk with friends and family members to find out what strategies worked best for them during university or other big events in life in your quest to discover what’s best suited to you

Once you’ve reviewed all your options, you’ll need to craft a plan. Select specific tactics for study, socialising and balancing commitments that you’ll employ consistently so you can successfully transition to your new routine.

Of course, there’s no point in having a plan if you don’t implement it. Keep in mind not every day will go as you intend and you may need to make some adjustments. If you encounter hiccups along the way, you can talk with someone you trust (perhaps a long-time advisor or mentor) to provide objective opinions to help you make necessary changes.

  • Characteristics of successful student

We all learn differently. We all approach college with a different set of challenges and experiences. But there are some universal characteristics and traits we can all build in ourselves to ensure we're set up for success in college. Here are a few tips, tricks and traits to consider as you aim to succeed at OCCC (maybe in life, too...):

  1. Own Your Experience. You are ultimately the only one responsible for your time here. Ask the questions you need answers to. Get the help you need. Make the experience what you want it to be.
  2. Find Your Why. What's your motivation for doing this? Personal fulfillment, financial stability, personal pride, love of learning? Find your motivation and let it drive you forward.
  3. Manage Yourself. Plan, schedule, follow through, follow up, measure results, and hold yourself accountable for what needs to be done.
  4. Be Interdependent. Self-reliance is valuable, but so is making the choice to invest in mutually-supportive relationships. Find people you can help, and find people who can help you.
  5. Have Self-Awareness. If you're stressed, think through why it's happening. If you're not performing well, trace your habits and look for weaknesses. Don't get so caught up in the moment that you can't still learn from it.
  6. Believe in Life-Long Learning. Even when the grades stop, learning shouldn't. The skills you gain in college help you learn at every opportunity. Keep using them, and keep finding more opportunities.
  7. Have High EQ (Emotional Intelligence). IQ is impressive, but EQ is how you'll rise above. Feel emotions, but manage them in support of your goals; show empathy for others; read the room and serve it well; and don't forget to be kind.
  8. Believe in Yourself. Don't forget that regardless of the grades or the degrees, you are enough. Don't forget to love yourself, be yourself and find the good in yourself - then share it with others.
8 Characteristics of successful university student
  • Self-Belief
  • Emotional Maturity
  • Life-Long leamers
  • Heightened Self-Awareness
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Motivating Purpose
  • Effective Actions
  • Mutually Supportive Relationships

End Of Topic 1

TOPIC 2 : Goal setting & learning management system

What is a goal?
 = Something you would like to achieve

What is the purpose of setting goals?
= Goals give you direction and keep you focused on where you want to end up

Goals are important in varsity life because they help motivate you to do work, attend classes and study for exams. Even though you already may have set some goals before in your life, chances are you thought little about whether those goals were realistic. You can actually improve your  academic performance in university by learning to set goals that motivate you to do well and that increase your chance for success

Defination of a goal
A goal is :
1. A dream
2. Attainable
3. Measurable
4. Has a time limit
5. Within your control
6. In writting

Seat goals, make sure they are in writting and readily visible and work toward your goals on a regular basis.

Three steps to success:
  • set the goals
  • make a commitment
  • be accountable

End Of Topic 2

TOPIC 3 : Time Management & Organizational Skills

Time - Management Defined

Time management is the ability to use one’s time effectively or productively, especially at work. Time management also is the process of organizing and planning how to devide your time between specific activities.

Plan for rewards after unpleasant tasks

Do the most unpleasant tasks first

Learn to say no

Plan for change (involve others and ask for help if needed)

If you are too busy, ask, "What is essential?"

When you are indecisive or unsure, remember that you can rarely be 100 percent sure

Waiting is inevitable; plan for it

Let someone else do when possible (delegate)

Finish fully. It leaves you energized and motivated

Do one thing at a time


Hand-drawn Woman Observing
Time Management Tips :

Advantages of being Organised

Keep On = Keep on schedule and meet deadline
- Reduce =  Reduce stress caused by a feeling a lack of control over your work schedule
- Complete = Complete work with less pressure and fulfil your potential
- Build = Build your confidence 

Activity 1 

Activity 2

Must Do :
  • Study
  • Family Commitment
  • Exercises
Then Do :
  • Play Sports
  • Play Video Games
  • Sleep early
May Do :
  • Chat with friends
  • Hangout with family
  • Spend time with beloved ones

End Of Topic 3

Topic 4 : Memory , Learning & Improving Concentration

Skills? What is skills?

- Skill is the ability to master something or talent that you have naturally

Learning Pyramid

- As Student it is important to know how to study well and get flying colours in examination. All student must know the strategies way of learning and studies . That's why it is important to know about learning pyramid. Here is the percentage that can show you which is the best way to study.

Then Let's Talk About Brain , What Is Brain?

Brain is an organ that have in our body. Brain also is organ to think just like computer software. When we learn and remember, we will encode, store, and retrieve the information. The analogy is like a computer. Brain also takes hundreds of data for each moment. Right brain capacity is 100 times than the left brain. Some humans only use 3%, 97% stored in the right brain.  

 Then, I learn about memory. What is memory about?

Definition of Memory: The stored memory is the result of observation. The ability of the individual to store, maintain, and remember any information and experience just like computer software

How to Improve Your Memory ?

1.Massed practice (not good) vs space practice (good, recommended)

Massed practice: Means you memorize and studying all the materials at one time.

Space practice: Involve space time over some period of time.

2.Break while reading material. Example only read 2 chapters per day, not all chapters a day before exam.

3.Repeat the information many times.

Next, I learn about strategies to improve concentrationWhat is concentration?

-  Concentration-Focusing your attention on what you are doing

Here are some of the cause of poor concentration

- Lack of attention
- Lack of interest
- Distraction from others
- Physiological matters - tiredness , illness
- Lack of motivation
- Distraction from others
- Uncomfortable environment

Strategies to improve concentration

- You can create a positive learning environment, for example , find a study location that is comfortable to you
- Match our learning style to the task
- Deal with internal distraction

End Of Topic 4

Topic 5 : Taking Lecture Notes

  • Taking notes is one of many methods for us to memorise things easily and strengthen our brain memory
  • It is also help us revise things especially before sitting for examination
  • Notes are use to recall the things learn by students after the lecture class

Preparing yourself in taking notes

By reading the text assignment before we sit for our class, it will improve us to :
  • Know and learn draftly about the topic we are going to learn
  • Rebuild main ideas about the topics and subtopics
  • Creating a more managable and organised notes

Before class you can also:-

  • Review the notes
  • Reading back your assignment
  • Make sure you have your stationaries prepared the day before

Become and effective and active listener

Below are strategies to improve listening skills for a better study quality

  • Monitor your listening
  • Get your ears checked monthly
  • Control your response
  • Control your emotions
  • Decide when and what to listen
  • Sit infront in class or lecture class
  • Focus on your objectives of what you wanna learn in the class
  • Ignore all the negative surroundings/sounds

Effective Note Taking System

There are many ways and method of effective note taking system, some of it a shown as below:-

  1. Cornell note-taking method
  2. The block method
  3. Informal outline
  4. Modified block method
  5. Mapping method

End Of Topic 5

Topic 6 : Academic Integrity and Performance

Integrity ; Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values.

Source : Google [Wikipedia]

Having integrity could obstruct one from doing unmannerly action. One of it is called plagiarism.


Plagiarism ; plagiarism is an act to plagiarize in order to give the impression that you have written or thought something that you have ‘borrowed’ from someone else.

The act of plagiarism is illegal, unethical and can lead to failure in courses if caught and discovered.

How to avoid plagiarism

There are ways to avoid plagiarism, some of it will make sure that we will never simply taking source without crediting the author or owner.

  1. Paraphrase. Make sure that you do not copy verbatim more than words in a row together.
  2. Cite. Citation or citing is one of the effective ways to avoid plagiarism. You may follow the document formatting guidelines (APA, MLS, CHICAGO) used by institutional research requests.
  3. Quoting. Citing a quote can be different then citing paraphrased material.
  4. Referencing. One of the most important ways to avoid plagiarism Is including a reference page of work cited.
End Of Topic 6



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